
Perpetual Kid

This website is so much fun! I love it and want just about everything they have for sale! Go check it out ... I'll bet you never knew you needed band aids that look like strips of bacon or a Hillary Clinton nutcracker or a Voodoo Doll toothpick holder. I love all the "citation" pads they have and really do think I'm going to have to get "Things You Must Do to Make Me Happy" checklist. I'm not sure how I lived without Count Chocula lip balm or ... are you ready for this? A LOST IN SPACE GIANT PEZ DISPENSER!!! I have a Robot action figure from Lost In Space that I found at a garage sale for a nickel ... but a Pez Dispenser? Amazing... I love this store, you prolly will too. Yes, it's all pretty silly but it's also fun and will for sure make you smile or laugh and that's worth something isn't it?