Stones belong on the ground, in rings (diamonds), in rivers ... there are LOTS of places for stones. So why do a couple seem to want to set up shop in my kidney?? It's completely ridiculous... I denounce kidney stones ... officially. The doc today gave me antibiotics and told me to take my painkillers with me if I have to leave the house. Duh, of COURSE I have to leave the house ... I DO have a job and a life. Geez! Meanwhile, I feel like crap and that sucks. I thought there was just the one stone, but learned today there are actually two. He also gave me Flomax which I am afraid to take. It's for men with prostate problems. Weird. I don't think I'm going to take it. I'll drink gallons of water, take antibiotics, strain my pee but I'm putting my foot down at old man prostate drugs. Doc says if the stone (the large one) doesn't come out on his own he will have to go get it. I told him I wasn't interested in any of that ... he said he'd put me out for it. I'm still not interested in all that ... so I'm hoping stoney shows up on his own. Oh - he also told me to expect pain. That's a nice way to go through the day, huh. Sometimes we expect rain ... or wind ... I'll be expecting pain with a chance of surgery. Lovely...
Officially denounced!
Take your prostate medicine TJ, you should be willing to take draino if it will get this beast out! It's not like it's gonna GIVE you a prostate or something. SHEESH.
do girls have prostates? I think no... If they do then I'm outted on not knowing my body enough to know my prostate.
ps, I do not condone the drinking of draino, I hear it's bad for you. Don't drink household cleaners. ANYONE. EVER. SHEESH.
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