Today (well yesterday at posting time) was Matthew's 8th BIRTHDAY! He wanted to go to a Braves game for his birthday present/party. So we paid a bunch of $$$ to get some GOOD seats (they were awesome - just above the dugout!) and went! Nana and Poppy came too which was really cool! Matthew's day started with a special delivery of Dunkin' Donuts (by Poppy of course) and then we went to the pool for a couple of hours. After that we headed out for the stadium. We went early in the hopes of getting some autographs. It stormed though so there was no batting practice. We still got FOUR autographs (thanks to Poppy). The boys had their hats signed as well as these mini Louisville Sluggers I bought them when we first got there. The rain/storm stopped an hour or so before the game thankfully and it turned out to be a really nice night! The Braves got KILLED (11-1) but the kids didn't care - they LOVED every minute of it! Friday night games are always followed by a huge fireworks show so of course we stayed. The show was great! As they were going on Mikey turned to me (all excited and grinning from ear to ear) and said "This has been AWESOME - THANK YOU Mommy" and then threw his arms around me and then turned around to Scott and yelled "THANK YOU DADDY"! He wears his heart on his sleeve and I love him for that. Matthew is usually much more stoic but even he said (as we were leaving) "This was the best birthday Mom and Dad - thanks"! Here are some photos from the day!
Waiting to Leave!

I have a couple of good pictures of Matthew but I'm going to send them to my friend Erin to see if she can photo shop him. The red eye is SO bad it looks like he's possessed. I was so bummed... If Erin can fix 'em up I'll post them later!
what an AWESOME night!! I'm so happy for you guys having a great day together.
Of course I'll do what I can with your photo. What's the point of being forced to buy photoshop if you don't remove evil looking red eye from kid photos! haha
I forgot to tell you WE had a baseball night too! Well Brian and Stephen anyhow. Brian was gong to go on his own but Stephen pooped IN the potty!! So Brian was so proud that he took him to baseball as a reward! Stephen loved it and got a ball and someone's "lucky rock" and generally had a blast. It was an FSU game so he just loved it.
Happy Birthday Matthew!
What a fantastic night! These photos captured all the excitement of the pre game show. I've never seen such a smile on Matthew's face.(by the tree). Pure joy! Too bad the Braves lost. I see Mikey likes Francoeur. The night after he hit a walk off home run to win it for the Braves. Oh, well, this score was totally lopsided, but it didn't seem to bother anyone in your party. A night at the Park is ALWAYS exciting!
AG in CA
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