Last night was awful ... I got ZERO sleep. I just tossed and turned, could not get comfortable and no matter what, sleep just would not come. Normally I would take an Ambien but I knew Scott would need help in the morning so I didn't (I sleep like a ROCK when I take one). Around 6:45AM I finally started to doze off after Scott and the boys went downstairs for breakfast. I had decided at that point to NOT be a help ... I know, stupid but I was in a sleep deprived haze! Well, a few short minutes later I was JOLTED out of my sleep to the sound of the gazillion decibel alarm of our new home security system. I jumped out of bed and ran to the keypad to shut it off (I'll be feeling THAT later I'm sure). Yep, Scott gets the award for setting off the very first false alarm. Dork! He literally opened a door with the system still armed! Grrrr.... I had thought for a split second the night before to put a sticky note on the door to the garage (that's the door we always use) and decided not to at the last minute. Today I'm going to Target and I will be purchasing some of those "SUPER" Sticky Notes and will be utilizing them going forward.
At least we know the alarm is REALLLLLLLY loud and it works! Sheesh!
Scott did it ...
I HATE Comcast!
Just had to get that off my chest. I would like to fire them ... but we're kind of stuck. I hate, hate, HATE Comcast. But I would really like to work for them because apparently, Comcast employees don't really have to do anything!
Labels: Comcast sucks, Hate Comcast
My Olympic Hero
Ok, ok ... I know EVERYbody is talking about Michael Phelps ... and I agree, quite an accomplishment and very impressive. BUT, my Olympic Hero is Dara Torres. She is 41 years young and a mother to her two year old daughter, Tessa. Her list of accomplishments is HUGE and she really comes across as a very gracious and kind person. Also, she is RIPPED! Have you seen her body??? Amazing ... GO DARA!
Labels: 2008 Olympics, Dara Torres, Olympic Swimming
The Hills New Season!
Ok - yes, I realize I'm a TOTAL dork and I'm probably much too old to be into this but I LOVE "The Hills" on MTV. I'm so excited about the season premier THIS Monday! (See, told you I'm a dork!)
I'm totally OVER Lo ... I hate how she's coming between Lauren and Audrina. I don't know why she has to act like such a bitch all the time. It bugs me. Hopefully Audrina stays away from Justin Bobby this season - he's a total whore and a train wreck and Audrina is SUCH a sweet girl; she could do SO much better. I hope to see LESS of Heidi and Spencer - I HATE Spencer and I think Heidi is just stupid. I'm sick of their antics and their relationship is just retarded. Of course, I love Lauren ... I hope she finds a sweetie this season. That poor girl has the WORST luck with guys! And I hope her friends start treating her better too. Oh, and I really like Whitney ... I'm not sure if she'll be on this season or not but I hope so. She's a really good friend to Lauren and has never done anything shady. I do like Brody too ... as long as he's just a friend. He's a BAD boyfriend but a good boy friend - make sense?
Oh, and I always look forward to the music they play on the Hills too ... they always have great music!
And for anybody out there who says "it's not real" ... just know that I'm going to stick my fingers in my ears and say "lalalalalalala" to drown you out. Just because I'm 38 doesn't mean I can't have make believe! So there!
So Monday night at 10AM I'll be sitting on my sofa with a bowl of popcorn and the phone on silent so I can enjoy my guilty pleasure! Cheers!
Sour Patch Erin
Today there was a box in my mailbox ...

And they're OFF! 1st Day of School
Here we go! My BABY is going to "big school" ... Kindergarten! Sniff, sniff! How time flies! Mikey is SO excited and can't wait to get to school. Matthew is equally excited about going in the 3rd grade - the "turning point" to becoming a "big kid"! I'm so proud of them both - don't they look handsome! Oh, I should add, Mikey HATES that little sign he has to wear. All the Kindergarteners have to wear one ... it tells the staff at the school who they are and where they belong in case they get lost. He thought it was so "baby"!
I am incredibly bored during the day. My stamping room is upstairs and I can't do stairs very well just yet (sobs). So I'm bored. The other day Penny climbed up on the sofa next to me (she sleeps ALL day!) and curled herself up into the TINEST ball! So I decided to take a picture ...
Apparently I woke her up...
And then she sprawled out! Scott calls this the "just thrown from a building position". Don't you just love how she covers up her girly bits with her tail? hahahahaha!
Labels: Funny Pets, Golden Retriever
6 Weeks ... not exactly a vacation though!
Well - I've been off work for almost 3 weeks. I'm recovering from a hysterectomy. Yuck! BUT, I know I'll feel tons better once I recover fully. I go back to work on September 2nd. I wish I could say I'm enjoying my time off but it's been kind of rough. I am getting better every week though - I just wish it was FASTER so maybe I COULD enjoy some of my "time off"! Matthew and Mikey go back to school tomorrow (SO early!) so at least I'll get to go have lunch with them before I go back to prison ... I mean, work! haha! Hopefully I'll get a couple of pictures tommorrow morning ... it's a BIG step for Mikey. He starts Kindergarten and goes to the "Big" school! He's excited and a little apprehensive. Luckily his BEST buddy, Joey, is in his class! How awesome is that! He was so excited and so was Joey. I went to "Sneak a Peek" last Thursday and saw that Joey and Mikey are sitting at the SAME table! I said to his Mom "Should we tell the teacher?" and she said "Nah, she'll figure it out soon enough"! haha!
Matthew's All Star Team
Florida Pictures!!
I know it's been a while ... had a lot going on... but here are some pictures from our family trip to Florida in June. We had SO much fun!I love this picture - my Mom took it. She was taking a picture of the boys and had just finished taking pictures of Hannah and Grace - see them in the background being silly! I love it!