Hannah while we were still at the dock. She's so cute!

This is my big brother, David, on the fishing boat, clearly having a great time! You can usually find him with a smile on his face... especially if he's fishing! He IS his father's son!

My 3 guys on the fishing boat! It was a fun day - we all really enjoyed fishing, the weather was glorious and we caught quite a few fish. I even got in on the action ... I caught a couple of Red Snappers (they were HARD to reel in). They got thrown back though for being under 16". I caugh a couple of other smaller fish but we got to keep those. Poppy has them frozen ... well, by now he's probably eaten them!

This picture cracks me UP! That's my niece, Gracie ... check out the expression on her face! She's so tiny and Scott is so, well ... LARGE! haha! Priceless...

Here's a shot of Matthew & Poppy. Matthew LOVES to fish ... I know Poppy is just SO disappointed about that (NOT!) We are so blessed to have my Mom and Dad in our lives and have them so involved with the boys. Poppy takes Matthew & Mikey fishing all the time at home too! Matthew is an eager student and really loves fishing. They had a BLAST on this fishing trip in Florida! I wish I could remember the name of the boat we went out on. They had a mate on the boat who was a woman and she was amazing with the kids! She picked up on Matthew's love of fishing pretty quickly and took him out on the back part of boat (not sure what that's called but it's closer to the water) and helped him fish with LIVE bait! It was so cool! Matthew loved it!

Matthew collecting seashells. That little bucket is from the restaurant the night before ... all the kids got one. Came in handy the next day - they each had their very own bucket!

Matthew & Hannah hunting for "treasure" on the beach!

This is my niece Gracie! She is small but mighty! She really loves the beach and has so much fun building stuff in the sand and also collecting "creatures". Her favorite is Sand Fleas. (YUCK!) Isn't she cute? She and Matthew are big buddies - they have a lot in common and they are only a year apart.

Mikey chillin' in the shade!

Matthew - ever in motion - playing football with Scott in the surf. He's never played football as a sport on a team ... but he has quite an arm !He throws well AND catches well!

And of course, lots of catch with the baseball - we don't go ANYwhere without gloves and baseballs! Here's Mikey patiently waiting for Scott to throw the ball!
Fantastic pics! Your whole family is adorable. I'm glad you had a good time.
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