My Aunt Gloria (Mikey and Matthew's GREAT Aunt Gloria) sent Mikey TWO awesome hats for his birthday. One is a Marine hat, the other a Camo hat. Mikey and Matthew love to play "Army" and these two hats were the perfect addition to their "uniforms" ... oh, and in the picture of the two of them you can kinda see Mikey's missing front tooth! He JUST lost it ... a couple of days after his 6th birthday. Here are my two little soldiers ...

I can't believe how perfectly those hats match the's as if they were purchased together...and we know that didn't happen! Great photos! M & M have more fun than a barrel of monkeys, don't they? Although I'm not quite sure how much "fun" it is for the monkeys in a barrel. HaHa. Just repeating a saying I've heard all my life and have no idea how or why it got started. Like, "Happy as a clam"...but that's for another post.
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