
Halloween Camo

I can't believe I don't have ANY pictures of Mikey! He was Annakin Skywalker for Halloween. Matthew was "an Army guy". Our neighbor Greg was once "an Army guy" and he has REAL camo face paint and agreed to paint up Matthew's face for Halloween!

Matthew thought this was VERY cool ... and yes, I did manage to wash it all off. At first Scott was just scrubbing his face while he howled. Then I had a light bulb moment (happens on occassion) that I use baby oil to remove waterproof mascara. So off I went to find the baby oil ... and voila! The camo face paint came right off - no howling involved.


Anonymous said...

"WOW"! That face painting job is FANTASTIC! It's a little scary, though, cause it looks SO REAL!

On the other hand, minus the "black" it looks a lot like my monthly "avocado moisturizing masque"!