Mikey turned 6 this year! We did not have a big birthday party but we did go out to dinner on his birthday and have a small party (with a cookie cake of course) at home. Saturday we took Mikey to see Madagascar 2. Going to the movies is a REAL treat because we never do that - so it's super special. He told me he loved his birthday which made ME happy because I was upset at not being able to give him a "real" birthday party. So here are photos from his birthday ...
Mikey LOVES Cookie Cake - it was a specific request for his birthday!
Super embarassed at everybody singing him "Happy Birthday"!
Mikey only asked for two things for his Birthday ... the Star Wars movies was one of them ... he only asked for one but he got THREE! Thanks Nana & Poppy!

The other thing he really wanted was an Indiana Jones Action Figure. He got one! See how happy he is?!?!? Thanks Aunt Laurie, Uncle David, Hannah and Gracie!

He didn't ask for a new Light Saber but this is what Scott and I got for him. It's cool ... you just press a button and the "blade" comes flying out. Very cool ... he loves it!
The other thing he really wanted was an Indiana Jones Action Figure. He got one! See how happy he is?!?!? Thanks Aunt Laurie, Uncle David, Hannah and Gracie!

Mikey also got ANOTHER present for his Great Aunt Gloria! I need to get him to sit still long enough to take a picture of him. It's an AWESOME US Marine Corp baseball style hat. I promise, promise, promise I'll get a picture soon. He LOVES the hat ... and, Aunt G, he DID share - he says Matthew can wear the Army one! :)
Mikey is not a baby anymore! Not even a little bit! Not a BabyKid either! He's totally a big kid. Look at him! Look at those big kid toys!
Oh my heck! Is this going to happen to my boys too? Unacceptable!!
No really, he's darling! What a fun birthday. (although Laura would tell you otherwise I'm sure)
Mikey could be a poster child for other kids to see what it looks like to have "Unabashed Happiness at Receiving Presents!"
GAG in WA (again)
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