
Happy Thanksgiving - Crap, I have to cook...

The anxiety is setting in. Tomorrow I have to go to the grocery store ... of course I'll forget something (I always do) and I'll have to go back on Tuesday or Wednesday which will totally piss me off. All the REALLY stupid people will be at the store then and all the stuff I need will likely be gone. Oh - that's right, I'll actually BE one of the the stupid people - we will all be there together ... we'll ALL be stupid because we'll all be the ones who forgot the crap we needed when we were at the store two days ago. Self loathing - great. I did already buy a turkey. Well, not really ... I bought a turkey breast. Does that count? It's frozen - I don't know what to do with it. Right now it's at my parents house in their freezer because it didn't fit in the freezer at our house. It will still have to go in the oven and be baked and all - not sure when to defrost it or how. I guess I need to look into that, huh? The kids want corn casserole. That's fairly easy ... I've made it before and managed to NOT screw it up. I'll also make mashed potatoes (I don't really know how but I guess I'll figure it out) and probably some kind of biscuits or rolls. No stuffing, or dressing. I just can't deal with that. I'll buy a can of cranberry sauce though - I like that with the turkey. No gravy either. I thought about making a sweet potatoe casserole but that might be one too many dishes for this cooking impaired woman to handle. I considered making a cheesecake but that's kind of expensive and the kids won't eat it and I certainly don't need to eat it and Scott loves it but doesn't want to eat it. So I will probably just make brownies ... in my super cool Baker's Edge pan (where EVERY piece is a corner piece)! I think Scott will probably help me a lot - he usually does. I get pretty angry when it comes to cooking. I just really don't like it at all. I don't know why - I wish I could find a way to enjoy it. Somehow the joy of cooking eludes me much like the joy of exercising does. Pass the Zanax please ...


Mikey's New Hats

My Aunt Gloria (Mikey and Matthew's GREAT Aunt Gloria) sent Mikey TWO awesome hats for his birthday. One is a Marine hat, the other a Camo hat. Mikey and Matthew love to play "Army" and these two hats were the perfect addition to their "uniforms" ... oh, and in the picture of the two of them you can kinda see Mikey's missing front tooth! He JUST lost it ... a couple of days after his 6th birthday. Here are my two little soldiers ...


Matthew = Baseball

Here are a few pictures of Matthew from this past fall baseball season...

Happy Birthday Mikey!

Mikey turned 6 this year! We did not have a big birthday party but we did go out to dinner on his birthday and have a small party (with a cookie cake of course) at home. Saturday we took Mikey to see Madagascar 2. Going to the movies is a REAL treat because we never do that - so it's super special. He told me he loved his birthday which made ME happy because I was upset at not being able to give him a "real" birthday party. So here are photos from his birthday ...

Mikey LOVES Cookie Cake - it was a specific request for his birthday!

Super embarassed at everybody singing him "Happy Birthday"!

Mikey only asked for two things for his Birthday ... the Star Wars movies was one of them ... he only asked for one but he got THREE! Thanks Nana & Poppy!

He didn't ask for a new Light Saber but this is what Scott and I got for him. It's cool ... you just press a button and the "blade" comes flying out. Very cool ... he loves it!

The other thing he really wanted was an Indiana Jones Action Figure. He got one! See how happy he is?!?!? Thanks Aunt Laurie, Uncle David, Hannah and Gracie!

Mikey also got ANOTHER present for his Great Aunt Gloria! I need to get him to sit still long enough to take a picture of him. It's an AWESOME US Marine Corp baseball style hat. I promise, promise, promise I'll get a picture soon. He LOVES the hat ... and, Aunt G, he DID share - he says Matthew can wear the Army one! :)

Halloween Camo

I can't believe I don't have ANY pictures of Mikey! He was Annakin Skywalker for Halloween. Matthew was "an Army guy". Our neighbor Greg was once "an Army guy" and he has REAL camo face paint and agreed to paint up Matthew's face for Halloween!

Matthew thought this was VERY cool ... and yes, I did manage to wash it all off. At first Scott was just scrubbing his face while he howled. Then I had a light bulb moment (happens on occassion) that I use baby oil to remove waterproof mascara. So off I went to find the baby oil ... and voila! The camo face paint came right off - no howling involved.


Legos from Justin

We have the best neighbors! Robyn & Greg live across the street from us. They have a son, Justin (he's a great kid ... well not so much a kid anymore I s'pose). Anyhow, Justin is in the Navy now and when he was home on leave recently he cleaned out his old room. He had a TON of awesome Lego sets and he GAVE them to Matthew and Mikey! They are TOTALLY into Legos and this was like the mother lode of Legos! There were three huge boxes ... a police one, a NASCAR one and I'm not sure if the other huge box was a "theme" or not. They are having so much fun playing with them. THANK YOU JUSTIN!


Mikey & Scott

A coaches wife on Mikey's team took this picture of Mikey & Scott...cute, huh?