
Always catch with your glove - not your face!

Matthew was playing catch today and "caught" a baseball with his eye socket. Ouch! Can you believe he just kept right on playing? I heard he had been hit so I walked over to check him out (I was watching Mikey's game ... Matthew was playing catch with another team that was warming up for their game) and he said "I'm fine". Holy cow! Doesn't it look painful? What a little trooper! He never did complain about it except to say he could "see" his lump. It's really not as obvious in the pictures but it really sticks out quite far and squeezes his eye shut.
Um, why do little boys always have long, gorgeous eyelashes? Geez ...
I also noticed how the purple really brings out the color of his hazel eyes! I'd never tell HIM that though. He is quite proud of his "war wound". Boys!


Anonymous said...

WOW! What a "shiner"! And the skin around the eye is sooo thin and tender! Hope you iced him up when he got home. He IS quite the trooper!

AG in CA

P.S. Now if I can only find eye shadow in those colors!

Erin said...

Oh no! He looks like he's in some pain.

I agree with AG, I think it would be a nice shadow look. Soon we will all be doing "the shiner" eye.